AM CH Splasher's Wind Beneath My Wings BN RN RATN CAA WC CGC
Sire: HRCH UH MHR UGA Southern
Standards Red Creole MH WCX Dam: AM CH Farleys D' Zeta CD
Grace is our First (AKC) American Champion at Louter Creek. She is the First Apricot Standard Poodle Bitch to earn Multiple
Best Puppy In Specialty Shows under Mrs. Barbara Furbush & Mrs. Janet Lobb and qualified for Crufts! She earned her AKC Am Championship on Sept. 4, 2014 handled by Sarah Perchick. Her head is exquisite, beautiful eyes, correct chin and under jaw and nice reach & drive. Don't let her pretty looks fool you, she gets down and dirty with the rest of them and enjoys Upland training as well as Barn Hunts, & Lure Coursing. Featured on the cover of Poodle Variety April-May 2015.
CHIC# 103223

SHR UG Louter Creek's She's My
Little Whiskey Girl JH WCX
Sire: HRCH UH MHR UGA Southern
Standards Red Creole MH WCX Dam: HRCH UH Webster's Red
High Heels SH WCX
Whiskey is making her parents proud. She is the first Poodle to earn an Upland Gundog Association Title ever...she beat her dad "Cooper" who earned his Upland Gundog Advanced title later that same day. This little red head is out of the FIRST Standard
Poodle litter in history with both Sire & Dam having earned the
Hunting Retriever Champion titles. Now she spends the hunting season finding/flushing and retrieving quail to earn her keep. Check out a clip of Rich and Whiskey in Iowa at the Upland Gundogs first event. uplandgundog.com
CHIC# 85003

UH HRCH Webster's Red High Heels
Layla is our beautiful girl that loves to retrieve. She often
looks like a gracefull deer
jumping high over the tall grass as she looks for her ducks.
She sports the "Hunting Class Clip" (aka historically correct clip).
Layla earned her Hunting Retriever Champion title, Upland title, (AKC) Senior Hunter and (PCA's) Working Certificate Excellent title. Layla was featured in the 2012 Gundog Calendar (March) see photo at the top of this page. She has produced some amazing hunting and hunt test dogs with our Cooper. She retired from hunt tests in 2014 and is now living the life or leisure.
She is truly Majestic!
CHIC# 59222

Reba Mcentire has matured and
developed into a dependable hunting retriever. She marks
exceptionally well, has tremendous prey drive, and has a no
quit attitude. She recently earned her (UG) Upland Gundog title and is my go to upland dog. She has produced some very nice hunting and hunt test dogs with Cooper. Reba Mcentire also retired in 2014.
CHIC# 65710

"Sky" is our adventurous and outgoing little red head that loves
everyone! She passes on a wonderful temperament to her pups and has produced some fine hunting dogs with titles to boot. Our beautiful Sky bird retired in 2015.
CHIC# 66628

Louter Creek Hunting Poodles
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Animated Poodle graphic by
Kitty Roach